#!/usr/bin/env php
Notice: Undefined variable: argc in /home/www/public_html/admin/shared/codeigniter/bin/install.php on line 6
Notice: Undefined variable: argv in /home/www/public_html/admin/shared/codeigniter/bin/install.php on line 11
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/www/public_html/admin/shared/codeigniter/bin/install.php on line 11
You can install:
Translations for CodeIgniter System Messages (translations)
CodeIgniter Rest Server (restserver)
Codeigniter Matches CLI (matches-cli)
CodeIgniter HMVC Modules (jenssegers) (hmvc-modules)
Modular Extensions - HMVC (wiredesignz) (modular-extensions-hmvc)
Codeigniter Ion Auth (ion-auth)
CodeIgniter3 Filename Checker (filename-checker)
php install.php
php translations 3.1.0
php restserver 2.7.2
php matches-cli master
php hmvc-modules master
php modular-extensions-hmvc codeigniter-3.x
php ion-auth 2
php filename-checker master